Liburan di Sabang, Pulau Weh, Aceh – Indonesia

1. Sabang pulau Weh

Sabang, Pulau Weh berlokasi di Aceh atau ujung paling utara pulau Sumatera. Pulau weh terletak di Laut Andaman dan perairan di Sabang adalah tempat pertemuan Samudera Hindia dan Selat Malaka.

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Public Transports in Jakarta, Indonesia (Transjakarta/Busway)

1.1Busway stop Gelangang Remaja1Yeah…finally I am back to blog! I have been busy these past weeks but I am glad now can come back to write. During these few days, I have traveled a lot and most of the time I am using public transport (Transjakarta/Busway). At that time, I am thinking to make this post as I remember when I was traveling to other countries, I try to search they local public transport. I prefer public transport compare to taxi in the foreign countries apart it is more cheaper I also can see and learn the local culture. I think the most easily to see that is when you take their local public transports.

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The Birthday Cakes

1. Birthday Cake

A Birthday is the day when someone born. It is an occasion when a person or institution celebrates the anniversary of their birth. Birthday is identical with party, food, balloon, clown, gift, birthday song, cake and other entertainment activities. When someone birthday, it is become habitual that we will treat that person in special way on their birthday.

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Zodiac & The Chinese Zodiac

Pisces PicZodiac and the Chinese Zodiac is astrology which related to born date and years. To be honest I am not kind of full believe about this but every person have different believe and I respect about it. However, I figure out, many of them who have same zodiac or born in same date or months have almost similar characteristic. What I mean by the similar characteristic in here is the way of the thinking and habits or attitude. Of course not all same, but most of them yes its look alike. Nevertheless, either you believe it or not, here’s some info regarding the zodiac and the count of Chinese zodiac.

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Tempat Wisata di Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

A MelbourneVictoria adalah sebuah negara di selatan timur Australia. Melbourne adalah ibu kota dan kota terpadat di Victoria . Melbourne populer dengan seni jalanan , arsitektur , musik , budaya , museum , galeri , acara dan festival , iklim , kehidupan malam , pertokoan , restoran, kafe dan banyak lagi . Melbourne merupakan salah satu tempat tujuan wisata favorit baik untuk warga Australia atau tourist asing.

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