15 Types Indonesia Vegetarian Food


Traveling or moving to new place can be very interesting, try new things and experience different things. But, sometime can also be worrying especially for those who are vegetarian. What kind of the food they serve there? Is there any vegetarian foods?  What are the ingredients they use? Few question which maybe come out for vegetarian. I remember when my vegan friends told me sometime they have difficulty to find vegetarian food in some country. In Indonesia, I think there are many choices of food for vegetarian. So, nevertheless here the 15’s Types Indonesian Vegetarian Food.

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30 Types of Indonesian Drinks, Beverages & Desserts

Es Buah

Indonesia is tropical countries with two season, wet and dry. Dry season is means warm tropical temperature or Hot weather. Others is Wet season where rains falling through the day and night. However basically the weather in most part of Indonesia is warm except in the highlands or village. Thus, weather condition have influences to Indonesian foods, drinks and culture. One of the Indonesian culture in hot weather is to consume cold drinks, beverage, juice, deserts and ice cream. However, We also have hot drinks for cold or wet temperature. There are many type of Indonesia drinks such as tea or coffee, fruit juices, hot sweet beverages and a lot type of ice (Indonesia known as “Es”) which also usually classified as desserts. Deserts in Indonesia can be types of rujak (sweet or spicy fruit), Ice (es) such as Ice cendol, Ice Kelapa as well as sweet desert such as Bubur candil etc. So, here’s the 30 lists of Indonesian Drinks,Beverages and Desserts. Bon Apetite and Selamat Mencoba!!

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